Monday, March 21, 2011

lace scallop for pineapple doily - part 2

The second row of the scallop is worked on the wrong side. Before starting the row, you might want to weave in the loose end. It's easier to weave in now than later.

Second row of the scallop:
Turn. Skip 1st ch-1 space. * ch 5, sc 1 in next ch-1 sp* 12 times. ch 5. sc 1 in next ch-5 sp.

The ch-5 sp is the one next to the ch-5 sp holding the first sc of Row 1.

Then, it's time to count. There is a ch-5 sp at the beginning of the row and another at the end. In between are 11 ch-5 spaces that look almost like picots. The pic shows the scallop after row 2. (I often chain a few stitches before putting crochet up for a while. Then, I rip them out when ready to start crocheting again.)

Rows 3, 4, and 5 will be in the next post.

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